Workshop by David Clutterbuck: Becoming the coach you don’t yet know you could be. 26.09.2024

Becoming the coach you don’t yet know you could be.

Wyjątkowy warsztat, który profesor David ClutterBuck poprowadzi dla członków EMCC.

Sam profesor tak mówi o swoim warsztacie: „5 years of research into how coaches evolve in their practice has provided insights into key transitions in the journey to coach maturity. David Clutterbuck will explore these and the implications for both individual coaches and mentors, and for the coaching profession”.

UWAGA: Warsztat będzie prowadzony w języku angielskim.
Termin 26.09.2024 godzina 9-13, stacjonarnie w Warszawie


Workshop by David Clutterbuck: Becoming the coach you don’t yet know you could be. 26.09.2024 (Kopia)

Becoming the coach you don’t yet know you could be.

Wyjątkowy warsztat, który profesor David ClutterBuck poprowadzi dla członków EMCC.

Sam profesor tak mówi o swoim warsztacie: „5 years of research into how coaches evolve in their practice has provided insights into key transitions in the journey to coach maturity. David Clutterbuck will explore these and the implications for both individual coaches and mentors, and for the coaching profession”.

UWAGA: Warsztat będzie prowadzony w języku angielskim.
Termin 26.09.2024 godzina 9-13, stacjonarnie w Warszawie