Zapraszamy do krótkiego filmiku z wywiadem zachęcającym do udziału w konferencjach badawczych EMCC.
Kalina Grela i Robert Łężak z Norman Benett, członkowie EMCC Poland uczestniczyli w tegorocznej 6.już Międzynarodowej Konferencji Badawczej EMCC w Budapeszcie. Są pod wrażeniem i zachęcają wszystkich coachów i mentorów do udziału.
Oto lista prezentacji, które miały miejsce na 6. Konferencji:
7-8 July 2016, ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary
- Concepts of professional identity (and changes in identity) as coaches move into the coaching profession
- A new person-centred complementary therapy within clinical
- Best practices for patients with chronic diseases: health coaching
- Being and time: examining the lived experience of female senior managers and the potential implications for coaching
- Implementing health coaching at scale and pace
- Does ROI really measure the effectiveness of executive or business coaching?
- The effectiveness of individual mentoring in teams: a structural conceptualisation in the form of a renewed framework
- Gender and coaching
- Bridging the gap: findings from an investigation into the gap between coaching and mentoring practice and research
- Effectiveness of leadership coaching – an integrated evaluation framework
- Identifying and coaching high-potential leaders
- Understanding coaching through competency – focusing on an effective coaching relationship
- Strength-based leadership coaching in organisations: an evidenced-based approach
- Selecting a supervision process in collective supervision
- Leadership narrative identity: a research study
- Coaching with transactional analysis
- Meditation techniques in coaching
- Coaching a multi-generational workforce
- Outcomes and helpful aspects of a pluralistic approach
- To coaching – a case study based mixed inquiry
- Agilitás a coachingban
- A vezetői coaching iránti elköteleződés tényezői vállalati környezetben
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